Tuesday, July 28, 2009

How would I live in the 16th century

I don't know if I would be able to live in such circumstances... I supose you just get used to it from the beginning, because you've never known another way to live...

Imagine your hygiene, everything!!! Even rich people weren't clean, Carl said that Queen Elisabeth had only one bath a YEAR, and changed her clothes every month!! If Queen Elisabeth did that, what about poor people who lived in the country and were always dirty, had to drink poluated water (because none of the technologies we have now were invented)!! And because of that dirty way to live, you only had a live expentancy of 35 years... In Versailles, life was a bit different, The King chose some families to live in his castle (that was a honor to live in Versailles). He gave them a house, food and enternainment (there were "casino's" and many games were played to entertain the residents so that they had no time to spend on plotting against the King (a bit like in Queenswood actually :P) ). There were lots of curtains in that castle, but no toilets... you can imagine how perfectly clean they were...!! There are to many things to say about this age.. too much to put them all in here... the only short thing a can say is that I would rather DIE than live in that age... Well, maybe not die.. I would put some conditions like, firstable you HAVE to be rich in that age to live decently, and then I would like to have a huuuuuge collection of dresses so that I cold change clothes at least everyday :P and of course more hygiene..

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